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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Elementary School News :

Hey Provost, one of our wonderful 3rd Grade teachers has just returned to school. Mrs. Flores wasn't here at Provost when the school year started, so her class had the amazing Mrs. Johnson as their...

Hey Provost, some of our lucky members of the Kindness Club had the opportunity to spend a day at the Provo City Library along with some other students in the district and participate in some fun...

Hola Provost, ¿sabía que tenemos grandes artistas en nuestra escuela? Algunos de nuestros propios estudiantes pueden crear algunas imágenes fantásticas simplemente dibujando lo que se les ocurra....

Hey Provost, did you know that we have some great artists at our school? Some of our very own students are able to create some fantastic pictures just by drawing whatever they can think of. Provost...

Hola Provost, nuestros Clubes Después de la Escuela finalmente están sucediendo y los estudiantes que se han unido a un club se están divirtiendo mucho. ¡Mire las fotos y vea lo que está...

Hey Provost, our After School Clubs are finally happening and the students who have joined a club are having so much fun. Have a look at the pictures and see what is happening after...

Hey Provost, if you don't know Mrs. Johnson, she is Mrs. Flores' long-term substitute! She is amazing and has contributed so much to our school and her 3rd Grade students. I'm beyond appreciative of...

Hola Provost, otro año escolar está aquí y eso significa que un nuevo grupo de niños de kindergarten se ha unido a nosotros en la escuela. En la clase de la Sra. Blackburn, los nuevos niños de...

Hey Provost, another school year is here and that means a new group of kindergarteners have joined us at school. In Mrs. Blackburn's class, the new kindergarteners are following the tradition of...
