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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Elementary School News :

Hey Provost, did you get to see the school musical this year? It was fantastic! We would like to give a big "Thank You"  to Mrs. Kirkland and Mrs. Permenter for their hard effort in getting this...

Hola Provost, tuvimos una visita muy especial del único Cosmo the Cougar y del BYU Dunk Team. Nuestros estudiantes se reunieron y hablaron con Cosmo y sus amigos sobre lo que significa ser Cougar...

Hey Provost, we had a very special visit from the one and only Cosmo the Cougar and the BYU Dunk Team. Our students got meet and talk with Cosmo and his friends about what it means to be Cougar...

Hola Provost, nuestros estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de viajar por todo el mundo con la ayuda de nuestros estudiantes de sexto grado. La Feria Mundial de 6º grado nos permitió a todos aquí...

Hey Provost, our students had the opportunity to travel all around the world with the help of our 6th graders. The 6th Grade World Fair let all of us here at Provost learn about other countries that...

Hey Provost, ¿alguna vez hablaste con un montañés? ¿Sabías que hace mucho tiempo que los montañeses vivían en las montañas que están junto a nosotros y cazan y atrapan animales? Bueno,...

Hey Provost, have you ever talked to a mountain man before? Did you know that a long time ago that mountain men used to live in the mountains that are right next to us and hunt and trap animals? Well...

Because of limited resources in supporting both Summer School and Camp Big Springs to the extent that we would like to, and with continued uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and a recommendation by the...

Hey Provost, ¿alguna vez ha intentado inventar algo? La clase de 1er grado de la Sra. Ward está trabajando arduamente construyendo inventos para que puedan mostrárselos a todos los demás...
