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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Elementary School News : News

Hey Provost, have you ever tried to invent something? Ms. Ward's 1st Grade class is hard at work building inventions so they can show them to all of the other 1st Grade students. Each student is...

Hola Provost, los estudiantes de 1er grado de la clase de la Sra. Larsen están cultivando una pequeña planta verde llamada Brassica Rapa. Estas plantas son una especie de planta de mostaza que...

Hey Provost, the 1st Graders from Mrs. Larsen's class are growing a small green plant called Brassica Rapa. These plants are a kind of Mustard plant that grows really-really fast. If you look at the...

Hola Provost, nuestros estudiantes se divirtieron mucho celebrando el Día de San Patricio. Pasaron el día participando en todo tipo de actividades; en la clase de kindergarten de la Sra. Blackburn,...

Hey Provost, our students sure had a whole lot of fun celebrating St. Patrick's Day. They spent the day participating in all kinds of activities; in Mrs. Blackburn's kindergarten class the students...

Hola Provost, ¿sabía que el 14 de marzo se conoce como el Día Nacional del Pi? No me refiero a tarta como Apple Pie, sino a Pi como en el número 3.14. Bueno, el 14 de marzo (también conocido...

Hey Provost, did you know that March 14th is known as National Pi Day? I don't mean pie like Apple Pie, but Pi as in the number 3.14. Well, on March 14th (aka 3/14) Mrs. Rogers' class did something...

¡Felicitaciones a nuestro maravilloso e increíble conserje principal Nick Beltran por recibir el premio al Empleado Clasificado del Año! ¡Nick es uno de los empleados más importantes que tenemos...

Congratulations to our wonderful and awesome lead custodian Nick Beltran for receiving the Classified Employee of the Year Award! Nick is one of the most important employees that we have at Provost...
