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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Elementary School News : News

Congratulations to 6th graders Alex Guthrie and Nate Fellars for being STEM Fair winners for the Provo City School District STEM Fair! Both Alex and Nate will move on to the regional STEM fair...

Para la Semana del Listón Rojo el miércoles, nuestros estudiantes de Provost tuvieron la oportunidad de disfrazarse de alguien (o algo) poderoso para ayudarlos a recordar que tienen el poder de...

For Red Ribbon Week on Wednesday, our students at Provost were given the opportunity to dress up as someone (or something) powerful to help them remember that they have the power to tell an adult...

Hola Provost, para la Semana del Listón Rojo y Blanco, nuestros estudiantes tienen una oportunidad especial para cada día de la semana. El martes, se les pidió que llevaran botas a la escuela como...

Hola Provost, para la Semana del Listón Rojo y Blanco, nuestros estudiantes tienen una oportunidad especial para cada día de la semana. El lunes, se les pidió a nuestros estudiantes que usaran su...

Hey Provost, for Red & White Ribbon Week our students are given a special opportunity for each day of the week. On Tuesday, were asked to wear boots to school as a reminder to give drugs "the...

Hey Provost, for Red & White Ribbon Week our students are given a special opportunity for each day of the week. On Monday, our students were asked to wear their clothes backwards and mixed up as...

Felicitaciones a nuestra propia Sra. Aidelin González. La Sra. González ha recibido el premio Provo Way que reconoce a cualquier maestro, miembro de la facultad o estudiante del Distrito Escolar de...

Congratulations to our very own Mrs. Aidelin Gonzalez. Mrs. Gonzalez has been awarded the Provo Way Award which recognizes any teacher, faculty member, or student in the Provo City School District...
