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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Announcements

Title I & Curriculum Parent Night

Join us on September 25th, 6-7 PM! All families are welcome. Dinner will be provided.

Provost News

Congratulations to our wonderful and awesome lead custodian Nick Beltran for receiving the Classified Employee of the Year Award! Nick is one of the most important employees that we have at Provost...

Hola Provost, hoy celebramos el cumpleaños de Theodore Geisel, pero todos lo conocemos por el nombre de Dr. Seuss. Es autor de cientos de libros que adoran tanto a niños como a adultos de todo el...

Hey Provost, today we celebrated the birthday of Theodore Geisel, but we all know him by the name of Dr. Seuss. He is the author of hundreds of books that are loved by both children and adults all...

Felicitaciones a nuestra directora, la Sra. Kami Alvarez, por recibir el premio Provo Way. La Sra. Alvarez está en su primer año como directora de Provost y ha sido una líder maravillosa para...

Felicitaciones a nuestra maestra de cuarto grado, Miss Holland, por recibir el premio Golden Apple para el año escolar 2020-2021. ¡Provost está orgulloso y agradecido de tener una maestra y una...

Congratulations to our 4th Grade teacher Miss Holland for being awarded the Golden Apple Award for the 2020-2021 School Year. Provost is proud and grateful to have such a wonderful teacher and person...

Hola Provost, a nuestros maestros y estudiantes les encanta celebrar el Día de San Valentín, por lo que todos se tomaron un tiempo durante el día para asistir a una fiesta del Día de San...

Hey Provost, our teachers and students love celebrating Valentines Day so they all took time during the day to through a class Valentines Day party by eating all kinds of treats and goodies and...
