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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Elementary School hours are from 8:30 a.m. -3:10 p.m. Monday through Thursday. On Friday, students are released at 1:20 p.m.

While gates will be accessible for students, they will be locked during the day for security purposes. We kindly ask that parents refrain from entering the gates during morning drop-off and after school pick-up. Instead, please meet your student at the gates for a smooth transition. The southeast gate by the crosswalk and the two north gates will all be open during morning drop-off and after-school dismissal. If you are picking up your student, please communicate with them at which gate you will be meeting them.

Arrival Procedures

The doors open at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast. Students who are not eating breakfast will go to the playground and can play until the first bell at 8:25 a.m. Teachers will pick students up outside at 8:25 a.m. to enter the building. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. will be marked tardy. On inclement weather days, students will go to their classroom hallway at 8:15 a.m. 1. Students arriving by car will be dropped off in front of the school by the front doors. 2. Students need to independently exit their cars on the side closest to the sidewalk. 3. If they are not eating breakfast, students will go to the back playground. 4. Drivers will remain in their cars at all times. If you need to come to the office, park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk to enter the building.

Dismissal Procedures

Please communicate with your child about how they will be going home each day. In order to ensure a safe environment for all students, the following dismissal procedures are in place: 1. All students who are walking home will be leaving through the back doors that lead to the playground. Siblings who are walking home together will coordinate a meeting spot outside of the building. 2. Students who are car riders will go through the gym door and wait in the front pick-up line, behind the white line, while waiting to be picked up. 3. All kindergarten students will be dismissed from the kindergarten doors. Kindergarten students who are car riders will be picked up in the back parking lot. Any older siblings of kindergarten students will meet their kindergarten sibling in this area to either walk home or be picked up in the kindergarten carpool lane.4. All students need to exit and enter the cars closest to the sidewalk. Please make adjustments to seating arrangements to allow for students to enter and exit on the side closest to the sidewalk. Students will only be loaded into cars next to the green curb. 5. Drivers will remain in their cars at all times. If you need to come to the office, park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk to enter the building.

As a reminder, we ask that if you are checking out your students early, please do so before 2:45 p.m. Monday–Thursday and before 12:55 p.m. on Fridays. If you arrive after those times, we ask that you wait until the regular dismissal time.

The playground will be open to the public for the following hours during school days: Monday-Thursday before 8 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m., and Fridays before 8 a.m. and after 1:45 p.m.

As a reminder, to ensure the safety of our school community, wheels are walked on all school sidewalks, and once they enter the school gates.

Cell phones, Smart Watches, and other Electronic Devices

If you need to get a message to your student during the day, please call the office, and we can help you. If cell phones are brought to school, they need to be OFF and AWAY IN A BACKPACK. If students need to make a phone call home during the school day, they can talk with their teacher to make the phone call. Cell phones are not to be used during the day. If needed, at the end of the day, students may use their phones to coordinate with parents or families when they are outside the building. After they have made the needed coordination, the phone goes back in the backpack while they are on school grounds. The first time a cell phone is not Off and AWAY IN A BACKPACK, the teacher will take the phone and give it to the student at the end of the day. The second time the cell phone is not OFF and AWAY IN A BACKPACK, the cell phone will go to the office and will need to be picked up by a parent. If you need to get a message to your student during the day, please call the office, and we can help you. We want to eliminate distractions and help students be engaged and focused on their educational goals throughout the day. Thank you for your support in this matter.

In order to facilitate an optimal student learning environment, students may wear smart watches as long as the communication features are disabled during the instructional day (8:30 a.m.-3:10 p.m.) and do not become a distraction to the learning environment. Again, if you need to get a message to your student, please contact the office, and they can help you get the message to your student.

Civility Policy

Provost Elementary and Provo City School District are committed to maintaining orderly educational and administrative processes to keep schools and administrative offices free from disruptions and preventing unauthorized persons from entering school/district grounds. The district staff will treat parents, students, and other members of the public with respect and expect the same in return. This policy promotes mutual respect, civility and orderly conduct among district employees, parents and the public. This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression, but to maintain a safe, harassment-free workplace for all. In the interest of providing positive role models to the children of this district, Provo City School District encourages positive communication, and discourages volatile, hostile or aggressive speech and/or actions. The district seeks public cooperation with this endeavor. The superintendent shall develop procedures for implementing this policy.


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