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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Elementary School News : News

Hola Provost, felicitemos a nuestros estudiantes participantes en el evento Reflections de este año. El tema de Reflexiones de este año fue "Yo importo porque ..." y nuestros maravillosos...

Hey Provost, let's give a big congratulations to our student participants in the Reflections event this year! The theme of Reflections this year was "I Matter Because..." and our wonderful Provost...

Hola Provost, ¿sabe qué es un "prefijo"? Bueno, si no lo haces, está bien, solo pregúntale a un estudiante de la clase de 3er grado de la Sra. Flores y ellos te lo dirán. Los estudiantes de la...

Hey Provost, do you know what a "prefix" is? Well, if you don't that's okay, just ask a student from Mrs. Flores' 3rd grade class and they can tell you. The students in Mrs. Flores' class...

Hey Provost, in both of our kindergarten classes, all the students participated in a grand feast to remember the first thanksgiving. We are so thankful for our wonderful kindergarten teachers and...

Hey Provost, have a look and see what Mrs. Blackburn's kindergarten class did for Thanksgiving. First, they used a pencil to trace their hand and then they used water-painting colors to create a...

Hey Provost, have a look at what Mrs. Jepsens' kindergarten class did for Thanksgiving. They used colored paper and colored pencils and markers to create their own paper turkeys. Then they wrote down...

School is starting again Provost! Traffic safety and correct procedures are a must to ensure the protection of our beloved students, so an instructional video has been provided for your...

Hola Provost, los estudiantes de segundo grado en la clase de Miss Wood participaron en una actividad que involucró monedas de un centavo, cinco, diez, veinticinco centavos y catalejos. Los...
