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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Elementary School News : News

Provo City School District has created a hotline number for district parents and students to use during the school dismissal. The support hotline is for families whose children attend a school in...

Hey Provost, our totally awesome theater students had the opportunity to perform their musical for a small audience of parents a while back and lucky for us there were pictures taken of the...

Recently, the district announced a Family Support Hotline. This is available to support the emotional wellbeing of district employees as well. Please feel free to call the hotline if you or your...

On Friday evening, Governor Herbert announced guidelines for everyone to stay home as much as possible. While employees and schools in the district have been practicing this, there will be a few...

Por favor cuiden este dispositivo. Los estudiantes son responsables del cuidado general del Chromebook que han recibido de la escuela. Si estos Chromebooks están rotos o no funcionan correctamente...

Please take good care of this device. Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by the school. Students with Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work...

Hey Provost, our teachers and staff are busy at work preparing for the oncoming weeks. Each grade is busy planning and printing the lessons. Make sure that you Provost students remember that even...
