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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Announcements

Prepare for Electronic Devices Policy Enactment, January 07, 2024

The Provo City School District Board of Education approved a new Policy 4200: Fostering Ideal Learning Environments: Electronic Device Restrictions. This new policy is in effect January 7, 2024. Read the policy and learn more in our comprehensive overview

Provost News

Hey Provost, we want to give a big congratulations to all of our amazing students who received awards in our Month of March Awards Assembly. These awards went to students who displayed the Cougar...

Hey Provost, we had an awards assembly the other day and we were given a special treat from our wonderful 3rd Grade Violin class. All of our 3rd graders have been practicing and working hard all year...

Hey Provost, check out our first graders hard at work! From measuring and planting seeds to reading, math, proper school behavior and more our first graders are learning a lot this...

Hey Provost, some of our wonderful friends at the BYU Bean Life Science Museum came to talk with our 3rd graders about the massive variety of bugs and insects that live around our fascinating world....

Hey Provost, did you get a chance to see the school musical this year? It was fantastic! Our students that participated in the musical did a wonderful job singing and dancing and telling a really...

Hey Provost, Mrs. Cannon’s  2nd grade class went outside last week and measured the playground as part of their math learning. They learned how high the top of the playground equipment is from the...

Hey Provost, our 1st graders have been hard at work collecting recycled materials (plastic bottles, cardboard pieces, glass bottles, etc.) and putting them together to create some kind of...

Our choir students love to sing Their voices in the hallways ring Their melodies so sweet and clear That all  the students stop to hear Their angelic harmonies fill the air And Listeners...
