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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Announcements

Prepare for Electronic Devices Policy Enactment, January 07, 2024

The Provo City School District Board of Education approved a new Policy 4200: Fostering Ideal Learning Environments: Electronic Device Restrictions. This new policy is in effect January 7, 2024. Read the policy and learn more in our comprehensive overview

Provost News

Hey Provost, Mrs. Cobia's class is learning about the life of person during the Middle Ages, or Medieval Times. One particular aspect of life during Medieval Times was becoming a member of a "guild"...

Hey Provost, our awesome PTA surprised the students and teachers with some delicious donuts. This was to show our students and teachers how grateful the PTA is for all of the support they've received...

Hey Provost, the month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month! If you want to show your awareness then wear the color green and give your...

Hey Provost, we just had our school assembly where we recognized our fantastic students and teachers for the great examples they've been to us in the past month. We also had a special surprise from...

Hey Provost, Mrs. White's kindergarten class celebrated their great accomplishment of making it so far through the school year by dressing up like their favorite Disney character. Great job Mrs....

Hey Provost, our students received a visit from our friends at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art. The UMOCA is a museum inside of a truck and each class that went sat inside of the truck and...

Hey Provost, Mr. Sprunger's 6th grade class learned about an engineering structure that was developed during ancient times by the Minoans and was used by the ancient Greeks, the middle East, and...

Hey Provost, the District Round for Battle of the Books took place recently and our school winners showed up and represented us very well. Our 3/4 grade team took 2nd place in the district and our...
