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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Announcements

Title I & Curriculum Parent Night

Join us on September 25th, 6-7 PM! All families are welcome. Dinner will be provided.

Provost News

Hola Provost, los estudiantes de segundo grado en la clase de Miss Wood participaron en una actividad que involucró monedas de un centavo, cinco, diez, veinticinco centavos y catalejos. Los...

Hey Provost, the 2nd graders in Miss Wood's class participated in an activity involving pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and spyglasses. The students in Miss Wood's class took a close look at all...

Welcome back to school all you wonderful students of Provost! We are so happy to see you all again. We know that this is very different from all of the other Back to School events that we have...

Hey Provost, have you ever read the book Hatchet by Gary Paulson? Well Mrs. Buck's class has and they all participated in a project to create a replica of the story by using paper crafting and...

Hey Provost, we had a special visit from our dear friend Mr. Evenson! He came to our school and shared with our students some wonderful stories that made us all laugh. We are so glad that we got to...

Hey Provost, our 4th grade students participated in a truly spooky activity in violin class for Halloween. Our very musical violin teacher Mrs. Driggs taught our 4th grade students a three-part song...

Hola Provost, algunos de nuestros estudiantes realmente se sintieron atraídos por el espíritu de Halloween con la ayuda de nuestra increíble maestra de baile, la Sra. Jones. Hicieron un pequeño...

Hey Provost, some our students really got into the spirit of Halloween with some help from our awesome dance teacher Mrs. Jones. They put together a little music video of an all-time classic...

Hola Provost, en el 3er grado la clase de la Sra. Flores aprendió sobre una tradición que es muy similar a Halloween; se llama El Día de los Muertos. La clase de la Sra. Flores leyó un artículo...
