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Provo City School District

Provost Elementary School

Provost Announcements

Prepare for Electronic Devices Policy Enactment, January 07, 2024

The Provo City School District Board of Education approved a new Policy 4200: Fostering Ideal Learning Environments: Electronic Device Restrictions. This new policy is in effect January 7, 2024. Read the policy and learn more in our comprehensive overview

Provost News

Hey Provost, our 6th graders held their amazing World Fair in their classrooms and every class in the school had the chance to come through and see all of the different country presentations. The 6th...

Hey Provost, our 1st grade classes got to do something really fun. Each 1st grade teacher gave every student a pile of toothpicks and some small and large marshmallows and let them use their...

Hey Provost, Ms. Scott's 1st graders have been doing such a great job in violin class that they earned the title of Violin Superhero. Each student showed their best superhero pose as they got their...

Hey Provost, our school choir performed in the PCSD Elementary School Choir Festival at Provo High and they did such a fantastic job! Each choir was allowed only one song to perform and our Provost...

Hey Provost, our awesome 1st graders just had their Invention Convention for their parents, where they showed them all of the awesome creations they made by using cardboard boxes, plastic bottles,...

Hey Provost, celebrate your teacher in your own special way! Here is a link to your Teacher's Favorite...

Hey Provost, let your teacher know how thankful you are for them by writing them a letter, making a card or writing them a poem. Don't forget to share it with...
